How to survive finals week

This is the time of year college students dread – finals. It’s the time of year when you have tests or papers due in each of your classes – all at the same time. Yikes.

However, there many things you can do to survive finals week. The Huffington Post offers nine awesome study tips, which include alternating your study spaces, making flash cards, and not immersing yourself in one subject.

Closer to home, Mary Coller, the director of Pitt-Bradford’s Advising Center, offers several other suggestions on how to survive finals week, including getting enough sleep. In other words, pulling an all-nighter is not a good idea. If you’re tired, you’re probably not going to do well. 

She offers several other tips:

College Fashion offers six tips to beat final exam stress:

  • Avoid stressful people. Stress can be contagious so resist the urge to study with your super-tense friend.
  • Eat healthy and exercise. Skip sugary treats and snack on granola bars, fruits and veggies instead. If you’re studying for a long time, eat some protein. Also, get some exercise, even if it’s a 10-minute walk.
  • Don’t let people take up your time. You’re going to have to say no to those people who will distract you, like the friend who will spend hours talking about his or her problems.
  • Take a break. For every hour your work, take a 10- or 15-minute break. During that time, do whatever you want, then start working again. This will give your brain a rest.
  • Visualize it all going right. When you imagine a happy ending – like acing that exam – that’s often what happens because you make the decisions that lead to it without even realizing you’re doing it.
  • Maintain your confidence. If you’ve prepared as much as you can, then get yourself in confidence mode; convince yourself that you’re going to do well.

Good luck. We’ll be offering more times all this week, so stick around.

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